Robert Edgar Boydston Adele Martha Anderson
b. May 3, 1925, Chicago, Ill. b. August 17, 1922, Hammond, Ind.
d. June 24, 2014, San Jose, CA. d. October 13, 2014, San Jose, CA.
At Cable Lake, Michigan before marriage
Honeymoon in New Orleans, LA
Dinner at the Court of Two Sisters
1978 1994
2012 with TV's Cokie Roberts
Brown Field, Bonham, Texas, where I soloed
At the controls of a B24 in Liberal, Kansas.
Bob in B25 at Pampa, Texas
The full story: Winning My Wings
I was discharged from the Army Air Force in October, 1945.
IIT Graduation picture
In 2005, the Chemical Engineering Department of IIT made me a Distinguished Alumnus because of financial contributions.
Adele attended the Gary campus of Indiana University as a Teacher student from 1940 until 1943. Because her mother was devastated when Adele's brother, Andy, went into the Army, Adele decided not to go the Bloomington Indiana campus and leave her mother. She quit the University and went to a local business school instead.
The plans were bought from House Beautiful magazine for $15.
Work started in May, 1953 in Munster, Ind., after my MBA program stopped for the Summer.
Below, that is Adele, pregnant with Becky, sitting on construction of the foundation.
In Feb., 1955 we moved in, but work still needed to be done in the interior and landscaping.
That is Adele, baby Becky and myself in front. The day we moved in was so rewarding.
Becky joins our family and is seen in her future bedroom.
Becky's memorial at the Munster, Ind. public library.
Adele's best painting ever of Becky leaving us on her pink bicycle.
Mark joins our family
Tuck (near), Teddy and Nip
Because of my analog computer experience at Swift, I was hired as a specialist in on line digital computer process control applications by Information Systems, Inc. in Skokie, Ill. in 1959.
The main accomplishment was the Conference Paper on the Dynamic Optimization of a Chemical Reactor presented at MIT and judged one of the best Chemical Engineering papers of that year.
In 1962, I was hired by IBM as an Industry Marking Specialist in Chicago, covering the Gas Industry's technical applications in the United States. I presented a paper in Orlando, Fla at the Software Engineering Conference in March, 1984.
In 1965, I was transferred to IBM's San Jose, Cal. facilities.
Happy IBM Engineer in San Jose, Cal.
In 1965, I was transferred by IBM from the Chicago Regional office on Michigan Blvd. to IBM's San Jose Plant site to do market planning. We sold our Munster, Indiana house and had a house constructed in the Almaden Valley of San Jose and moved in August, 1965. While the house was being constructed, we stayed in a rental unit in Los Gatos. An early trip to Chinatown in San Francisco is emblematic of our new life in California with its climate and scenery.
Our new San Jose house at 6781 Elwood Road in 1965How we look in 2012
We lived there for almost 47 years at this writing in 2012.
1967 - Six week IBM business trip to Sweden, England, Germany, Spain and Portugal. Adele and Mark accompanied me.
1972 - a personal three week trip to Japan. Mark, Adele and I went together.
1984 - a two week trip to England and Greece. Just Adele and I this time.
1993 - a three week trip to Japan.
1999 - a two week trip to "Famous Trains" of England, France, Switzerland and Germany in celebration of our 50th wedding anniversity.
1967: Mark in Old Town, Bremen, Germany.
1972: Our stay in Tokyo at a Japanese Inn.
1984: The Olmsted Manor House near Cambridge.
Built in the 10th century by my ancestors.
1993: At the Lover's Point on Japan's Isu Peninsula.
1999: Lunch on the Orient Express,(in England)
After my retirement from IBM in 1984, our volunteer efforts increased.
Adele was a Docent at the Quicksilver Museum
We both worked at Red Cross blood drives; Adele at Registration; Bob in the canteen.
Bob was Treasurer at the University of Chicago Bay Area Alumni Club
Bob was also Treasurer of the IBM Retirement Club in San Jose.
Bob became Treasurer, Web Page Editor and President of the Almaden Valley Community Association.
We both picked up litter monthly on the Almaden Expressway
(Note by Mark: With some pleasure, He told me a humorous story of being mistaken for a convict while doing his monthly trash pick up... that really was selfless work!)
Bob taught, as a volunteer, Intermediate Japanese conversation at Foothill College in San Mateo.
1997 at the IBM Red Cross Blood Drive
Bob giving cookies to a donor.
Dancing was a very important function in our lives. We started Square Dancing in 1967 and started Round Dancing the following year. We reached Advanced Levels in both Square and Round Dancing With Dean and Diane Thomas at a round dance weekend in Southern California.
It was a wonderful activity for us and we made friends like Don and Joan Matsui.
We continue dancing to this day.
Leaving for a Square Dance
When I transferred to San Jose from Chicago, I brought along several objectives: I wanted to learn to sail, sail under the Golden Gate Bridge and make a trip to Asia.
My first sailing experience was from a friend at IBM who took me for a sail in his small sloop on Vasona Reservoir in 1966.
We then bought the FJ small centerboard sloop, shown on the left and sailed that sloop in Vasona and Chesbro Reservoirs, Half Moon Bay, Foster City, Monterey and the Alameda Estuary.
After getting experience in sailing small sloops, we rented a small keel boat at Cass Marina in Sausalito.
The boat was the Corinthian and we started in the calm weather in Richardson Bay,
but I wandered out into the high wind at Racoon Straight and got beyond my experience. I had to do a Jibe to get us back in the direction of the home base and nearly capsized.
We made our way to the back of Angel Island and recovered.
The next week I made us all rent a boat at Cass's and sailed calmly confined to Richardson Bay.
We then rented a larger keel sloop, the Tempest, and the three of us, plus Cotton, our dog, sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge.
In 1970, with fellow IBMer, Vic Rodgers and his family, we bought a Santana 22, a keel sloop, for $4,500 Our Santana 22, berthed at Emeryville
and had a berth on the Alameda Estuary. Later we moved to new marina in Emoryville.
Mark, sailing the Santana on SF Bay with Cotton, our dog.
We usually sailed once a week in the Santana 22. Sometimes we would take friends to give them the experience of sailing on SF Bay
The Santana had a low side board insuring that in the Bay winds, a lot of spray came aboard.
In 1973, Vic and his wife divorced and the boat was sold.
I started investing in stocks in 1962 after I joined IBM, with participation in the IBM stock discount plan. I invested in a small number of other stocks
Over the years I tried to develop methods of investment with little success. By 1974, I found that I had actually made no money on my stock investments.
In an OpEd in 1976 in the Wall Street Journal, Peter Drucker explained that there was no good measure for determining a stock's worth.
I had done a considerable amount of computer modeling at IBM, particularly using Regression Analysis, so I accepted the challenge to develop a regression equation to determine the Intrinsic Value of common stocks.
I used IBM's Main Frames during lunch and was making headway, but I was using IBM equipment for my own use, so I discontinued any further work.
When IBM introduced the PC in 1982, I ordered it the first day and completed the Intrinsic Value equation. It was applied in 1982 and by 1984, I had made enough money to retire.
This model has been applied to the present day with excellent financial success. At this time in 2012, there were 127 transactions with an average annual yield of 19.09%.
During the dot com bubble in the late 1990s, I could not buy stocks because they were overpriced. I put any stock sales into 6 Month T Bills.
When the bubble burst in 2001, stocks became very under priced and I invested $800,000 in stocks by selling T Bills.
In 2003 the market recovered and I had an $850,000 profit. The tax liability was estimated to be about $200,000 State and Federal, so in 2003 the Robert E. and Adele M. Boydston Foundation was incorporated in the state of Delaware.
The Foundation objective is to give grants to educational, environmental and artistic organizations
The Foundation has profited from the stock market
The objective of giving over $100,000 in grants was realized in 2011 when $127,651 in grants was given to 21 charitable organizations.
In 1971, an IBM Japanese engineer, Katsuhiko Asakawa, came to the IBM San Jose Laboratory on a three month assignment. I invited him to dinner at our house as a courtesy. He had never been to America before. We had him over several times. Soon he had his wife, Yoko, join him. To give them a flavor of American life, we took them to a square dance, to places in San Francisco, Big Sur and to Yosemite.
When his job in San Jose was finished, we took them to the SF Airport. We agreed to vacation together in Japan the next year
I had never been interested in foreign languages before, but I took interest in learning something about Japanese. Since we had almost a year to learn, Adele and I took a course in Adult Education about Beginning Japanese. I was surprised to learn that I liked it and did well in school
The following year when we arrived in Japan for three weeks, I surprised the Asakawas by having a Japanese vocabulary of about a thousand words. We stayed in a Ryookan, (traveler's lodge)in Tokyo and using my Japanese, did the sight seeing there and then went to the Asakawa home in Fujisawa. Together we took the Shinkansen, (bullet train), to a Ryookan in Kyoto.
With Kats and Yoko on the Shinkansen to Kyoto.
After I retired from IBM, I took Intermediate Japanese at San Jose State and also Foothill College, where I did well. Because I was an excellent student, I was asked to teach the Intermediate Language Course at Foothill because of a shortage of teachers. I taught for two quarters and got good appraisals from the students. I was not paid by Foothill for my service.
In 1988 we became active in the Japanese student Home Stay Program. For three weeks we housed a Japanese student from a junior college for women in Okayama, Japan.
From 1988 to 1991, we had the following Japanese daughters: Marie Yague, Mayumi Kasaka, Yumi Wakita and Kauri Shimizu.
We were invited to Okayama in 1991 to attend the graduation ceremony for Mayumi and Yumi. We stayed in the home of their teacher, Kenji and Fujiko Numoto. During our visit to Japan, we stayed at ten homes in Honshu and Shikoku, of the parents of the girls we had taken care of.
I had no trouble speaking at these homes where English was not known. My Japanese vocabulary had grown to approximately 10,000 words.
Kats and Kauri
Mayumi, our second girl, second from the right, with her family in Hiroshima.
As we reach the end of our lives, Adele and I can truly say that we had a good marriage. We stayed and worked hard together: raising two good kids, building a house with our own hands, creating an independent financial situation and formed a Foundation, achieving technical success, doing volunteer work and being active in the community.