Robert E. and Adele M. Boydston Charitable Foundation

Supporting Education, Social Justice, the Arts and the Environment since 2003

Foundation News

10-2-23 Our grant to the Hands on Children's museum is partially supporting this program:

11/28/22 Grace serving as a volunteer docent for South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement at the 2022 Chum run up Kennedy Creek. Grace docent Kennedy Creek

2/22/22 Ken Balcomb of the Center For Whale Research was featured on CBS Sunday Morning. We've been a supporter since 2015. Center for Whale research on CBS

11/21 Grace has been a volunteer docent serving for the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group at this year's Chum run up Kennedy Creek.

10/29/21 Anar and Shiraz met with Julie Seelen, Chief of Philanthropy for Sempervirens. They went for a hike at Castle Rock State Park to see additional work completed by Sempervirens. Anar and Shiraz

9/10/21 All 2021 grants have been issued.

9/2/20 All 2020 grants have been issued.

12/4/19 Mark, Shiraz and Anar visited Tech Interactive and met with Shonelle Quattlebaum, Foundation Relations Director. Shonelle gave a tour of the facility. The highlights of the tour was a visit to the BioLab, Body Worlds Decoded and the state of the art IMAX theatre. tech-interactive


Boydston Foundation grants have supported the following organizations in 2024:

5th Avenue Theatre
Seattle, WA

Alzheimer's Association
Chicago, IL

California State University, Chico
Chico, CA

Center For Whale Research
Friday Harbor, WA

Children's Discovery Museum
San Jose, CA

Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH

Hands On Children's Museum
Olympia, WA

Humane Society of Silicon Valley
Santa Clara, CA

Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL

Seattle, WA

KNKX Public Radio
Tacoma, WA

KQED Public Television
San Francisco, CA

Providence St. Peter Hospital
Olympia, WA

San Jose Museum of Art
San Jose, CA

San Jose Stage Company
San Jose, CA

Sempervirens Fund
Los Altos, CA

Silicon Valley Education Foundation
San Jose, California

South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement
Olympia, WA

St. Jude Children's Research Hosp.
Memphis, TN

The Tech Museum of Innovation
San Jose, CA

University of Chicago
Chicago, IL

University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA

The Robert E. And Adele M. Boydston Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization   © Copyright 2007-2025